Home / Berita Terkini / Pelari SMART TUNNEL RUN Pengsan 1km ke Garisan Penamat

Pelari SMART TUNNEL RUN Pengsan 1km ke Garisan Penamat


Kuala Lumpur, 30 Julai 2017 – Seorang pelari dilaporkan pengsan di KM11, satu km lagi ke garisan penamat dalam acara larian SMART TUNNEL RUN anjuran Kelab Sukan, Kebajikan dan Rekreasi JPS Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur (KEJAPS).


Peserta tersebut telah mendapat bantuan kecemasan CPR oleh tiga (3) peserta larian. Dilaporkan peserta terlibat telah dikejarkan di garisan penamat dalam sebuah kenderaan 4WD sebelum dihantar ke hospital.


Menurut saksi Alvin Yeoh, pelari tersebut dijumpai terbaring di atas tanah. Alvin dan beberapa pelari berdekatan berhenti berlari untuk memberikan bantuan kecemasan CPR. Tiada ambulan tiba di tapak insiden. Pelari yang pengsan terpaksa dibawa ke garisan penamat menggunakan sebuah kenderaan 4-wheel drive sebelum dikejarkan ke hospital.

Setakat ini status pelari yang pengsan masih belum diketahui. Menurut SMART TUNNEL dalam kenyataan yang disiarkan melalui laman Facebook, pihak keluarga dan majikan peserta tersebut telah dihubungi.

Seramai 3,000 pelari telah menyertai SMART Tunnel Run 2017 yang dianjurkan sempena ulangtahun kes10 Pengoperasian Terowong SMART. Para pelari berpeluang berlari sejauh 8km ke dalam terowong dalam acara 12km tersebut.


Kenyataan FB Saksi Alvin Yeoh

Eventful morning. 12km run including 8k in the Smart Tunnel. Last 1.5k, saw somebody lying on the ground just at the tunnel exit. No first aider around and runner was shouting for ambulance. Decided to stop and help. First aid training came in useful after all and helped perform CPR and pumping the guy’s heart while others helped with breathing. One guy got his finger bitten on trying to prevent the patient from biting his own tongue. Another took turns with me on pumping his heart. Took about 10mins for a truck to arrive and it wasn’t even the ambulance!! Finally we carried him onto the Smart tunnel truck and they went off towards the finish line which was only 1.5k away!! I ran back and saw a few ambulances just waiting there!!!??? Wtf!! Heard from Nail (fellow runner and cpr buddy who jumped on the truck) that he was breathing when the ambulance took him away. Thanks Nabil and Hazi (the guy who sacrificed his finger) plus a few others for helping. Hope the patient survives.

Makluman Pemberitahuan

Kelab Sukan, Kebajikan dan Rekreasi JPS Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur (KEJAPS) selaku penganjur SMART Tunnel Run 2017 telah melantik FTKLAA sebagai pihak pengurusan acara untuk mengendalikan acara ini.

Seperti sedia maklum, terdapat insiden yang tidak diingini telah berlaku semasa berlangsungnya SMART Tunnel Run 2017 pada pagi ini. Seorang peserta telah tidak sedarkan diri di KM11 menuju ke garisan penamat. Peserta tersebut telah dibantu oleh tiga (3) peserta larian yang turut serta dalam larian ini. Pihak penganjur ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih di atas respon segera yang diberikan oleh mereka iaitu En Nabil bin Khairul Saleh (A352), En Yeoh Keat Leong (C3162) dan En Mohd Hazim bin Imran (A512). Jasa kalian amat kami hargai.

Peserta yang terlibat dengan insiden tersebut telah dikejarkan ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) dan telah diberikan rawatan yang sewajarnya. Pemeriksaan oleh paramedik HKL didapati peserta tersebut tidak cergas (fit) untuk mengambil bahagian dalam SMART Tunnel Run 2017.

Bagi pihak KEJAPS dan FTKLAA ingin mohon maaf di atas insiden tersebut. Pihak keluarga dan majikan peserta tersebut telah dihubungi dan pihak kami sedang bekerjasama rapat dengan pihak HKL untuk mengikuti perkembangan peserta. Marilah kita mendoa bersama-sama agar peserta tersebut cepat sembuh.

Foto & video ihsan Tey Eng Tiong


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One comment

  1. I read all the comments about the incident on the Smart Tunnel Run…Luckily there are still 4 Malaysian Heroes and 1 Filipina who sacrifice their race time to save life..
    Reffered from a brief declaration of all the people who witness the incident..Concluded a poor response of the medics…Running inside the tunnel is life and death…No proper location of water station…Water are warm and not cold…Medics are not in exact location and just busy watching on finish line for who will win..Some photos had been posted..
    Some question had remained un answered, The person who got collapsed had been sent to the Hospital and remain un attended by Organizers..
    Only friends his friends made a total support to Him until He got a total concioseness..
    The 5 persons who help the collapse person must be rewarded by the organizers with a plaque of appreciation officially…You must be proud of them coz they are Malaysians and 1 Filipina.
    Its not about the cost of the Plaque its all about Heroism which will happened once in a Life Time..

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