Johor Bahru, 15 April 2018 – Penganjur Iskandar Puteri Night Marathon (IPNM) meminta maaf atas kegagalan menganjurkan edisi kedua marathon tersebut dengan baik. Edisi kedua IPNM telah dilangsungkan pada malam semalam, 14 April bertempat di Dataran Mahkota, Kota Iskandar, Iskandar Puteri, Johor.
Menurut penganjur, melalui kenyataan yang disiarkan di lama Facebook, kegagalan mereka disebabkan oleh hujan ribut yang berlaku sebelum acara tersebut. Dalam kenyataan yang sama, mereka juga menyatakan yang penganjuran IPNM TIDAK akan diteruskan di masa hadapan.
To all dearest IPNM Runners and Supporters,
We wish to apologise for the failure of IPNM 2018. We have taken all necessary preparation to ensure the best delivery of the second edition of IPNM 2018. Unfortunately, we have failed to resolve certain issues due to the heavy rain and thunderstorm in the afternoon before the event started. Most of our preparation has been affected, which most of our main venue and route equipment has to be fixed and reassembled.
We have taken all necessary steps and actions to deliver the best experience for our Runners and Supporters. But with deep regret, today has become a terrible disaster not only for us but also to all our runners and supporters. The failure was caused by some logistics issue which was unable to be rectified by our Contractors. As the Main Organizer and Platinum Sponsors of IPNM 2018, we have taken all necessary step and has put a very high expectation towards our Contractor’s professional experienced. But unfortunately today is just not our day and everything has turn upside down.
We also wish to apologise to the State Government of Johor and it’s agencies. This failure is solely caused by our own team weakness, and does not concern or involved the State Government of Johor and it’s agencies. They have given us a full cooperation and support to ensure the successful delivery of the event. But we are so unfortunate that the event has failed even after a very thorough preparation.
Therefore on behalf of our management and team, we wish to apologise once again to all our IPNM 2018 runners and supporters. And sadly we wish to announce that we will not be continuing for anymore IPNM in the future.
With regret,
IPNM Management and Team.
Ramai peserta IPNM tidak puas hati dengan IPNM kerana kehabisan air di hentian-hentian minuman, tiada tanda arah menyebabkan pelari tersalah jalan, tiada penanda jarak dan keadaan jalan yang gelap/ tidak selamat.
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Sumber: Facebook IPNM2018
Kredit Foto: ActionPix Malaysia